Webhooks returning 404s (after upgrade)


I recently had to restore my Home Assistant setup from version “very old” (0.8-something?) to the newest version since I had forgotten to back up my config and the SD card died… After the restore it seems like everything is working again. Except from my automation webhooks. No matter what I do, I seem to only be getting 404s when trying to hit them. And yes, I do HTTP POSTs :slight_smile:

To debug, I removed everything from my automations.yaml file, and created a simple test one:

- id: '1598992586389'
  alias: Test
  description: ''
  - platform: webhook
    webhook_id: test
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: test message
      title: test subject
    service: persistent_notification.create
  mode: single


curl -d "" http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/test

Just returns

404: Not Found

There are no suspicious errors in the log file… Well, I’m getting some complaints about Unable to create UPnP/IGD, aborting, but I’m assuming that is unrelated.

The API in general is alive. If I hit http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/ (with a token) I get:

{'message': 'API running.'}


I wasn’t trying to fix this, but enabling two things yesterday did fix it somehow. I enabled the DuckDNS and Lets Encrypt Add On and added the mobile_app integration to my configuration.yaml. One of those suddenly made my web hooks work again. I suspect it was the mobile_app as that depends on web hooks? So maybe for some reason web hooks wasn’t turned on for my install?


I just ran into this problem too. I added mobile_app: and it started working as you said.

This didn’t seem right to me so did a rest command to get the config info and in the components array I saw “webhook”. I removed mobile_app: and put webhook: in my configuration.yaml and it work!

I dont see webhook in the integrations page nor in the webhook automation section. Might have to try to edit it.


It is still the case! I’m on the most recent 2021.4.6 and I was struggling for few hours to make webhooks working untill I’ve found this thread.

I have added webhooks: to my configuration.yaml and it worked!

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