Weblink Type of Entities Card

I am trying to use the new_tab option of the Weblink Type of the Entities Card, however regardless of what I specify, when clicking the URL it is opening in a new tab. How can I get the link to open in the same window (unless running the dashboard in the app) ?

My code is…

type: entities
  - type: weblink
      name: Home Assistant
      url: https://www.home-assistant.io/
      icon: mdi:home-assistant
      new_tab: false

Perhaps “new_tab: false” only works for internal links?

type: entities
  - type: weblink
    name: Home Assistant
    url: /developer-tools/yaml
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
    new_tab: false

I did see that, but I assumed it was talking about the default if not specified. Not sure why we can’t override the default using new_tab ?

Two variants:

  1. Either it works as designed - but Docs need to be updated to say it more clear.
  2. Or there is a bug - both code & Docs should be fixed.