WebOSTV could not be set up

HI All,

I am trying to add my LG smart tv to my Home assistant configuration, however when i try to use the webostv platform component i get the following error in my notifications tab after i restart HA:

The following components and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.

This is my entry in my config file:

host: 192.168.x.xx
name: Living Room TV

Hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction to properly troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Thanks in advance.

Please format your code properly, otherwise we can’t help. Use three backticks ( ``` ) above and below the code.
Also, any errors in the log?

Thanks for the advice Tediore, and sorry for the late reply.

Good news is that i solved the issue by upgrading the Home assistant software was running on a very old 0.97 version.