Webpage Card Changing URL

I have a webpage card to show a recipe site, but it will not allow the URL to change. Is there any way to allow the URL to change when I tap on something on the website?

Maybe you should try using the iframe method.

I am able to search the websites, but I am unable to log in and popups do not show.

There is also a mobile app for the recipe website, so if iframe doesn’t work, would I be able to open the app?
Sorry, I am a complete newbie.

I really have no idea what this option actually does but have you tried allow open top navigation?

That didn’t work.

I have found a workaround. I am using Fully Kiosk to display Home Assistant on the device, and I can create a button that loads a URL within Fully Kiosk.

If you’d said you were using fully kiosk I would have pointed out that possibility. Glad you got it working :slight_smile:

Can you elaborate on how you did this? Do you have a way to go back to your dashboard after you look at the URL? My kid’s school has a website where you can view the lunch menu. I just want a button they can press to load the menu, but then come back to HA afterward. I tried the webpage card, but I just get the refused to connect error. I should note I am currently using Fully Kiosk Browser on a Kindle mounted to the wall.

I have the navigation buttons showing on the tablet and if I press the home button, it loads the start URL. Or I can press the back button to go back to the previous page.

The button is set to load a webpage on the tablet via fully kiosk.

So, do you have a button inside of home assistant that opens a web page? If so, how do you do that?

Navigate to the dashboard that you want to add the button to. Edit the dashboard and add a button. On tap action, set it to call service. The service is: Fully Kiosk Browser: Load URL. Choose the device that you want to load the URL on and then enter the URL that you want to load in the ‘URL to load’ box.

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!

I think I’ll have a script or something call the service, then wait 5 minutes and then run have it call another service for a button press to “load start URL”. That way it will just go back to the home page after they’ve had a chance to look at it.

I know this is an old topic but I also use Fully Kiosk Browser and had the same wish, to be able to go back to my dashboard after looking at a URL. I made a simple automation to help.

It’s triggered every time the Fully Kiosk Browser changes URL. If the URL isn’t a Home Assistant one, it triggers the Kiosk Action Bar to appear (it has back, forward and Home buttons - tapping back or Home takes you to back to the dashboard). When it’s showing HA again, it hides the Action Bar:

alias: Show Action Bar if external site loaded
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.<FULLY_KIOSK_BROWSER>_current_page
condition: []
  - action: fully_kiosk.set_config
      device_id: <DEVICE_ID>
      key: showActionBar
      value: >-
        {{ ('https://homeassistant.local' not in states('sensor.<FULLY_KIOSK_BROWSER>_current_page')) | lower }}
mode: single