Any advice on how to make it work, besides switching the webserver to port 80 would be greatly appreciated. (I can’t switch grafana to port 80 because there is a different service running there)
Well, I was going to tell you it works to use ports; but, I just checked my bookmark page in HA which I have selections to open in a new tab or in an iframe. They both used to work but for unique ports but in 115 which is what I am currently running it does not seem to open them.
I gave my self these options so on my computer (which is where I do the vast majority of the work) they would open new tabs but since I can’t open new tabs in the HA app I have iframes in use which used to work.
Not this is of any help to you, but it let’s you know you are not the only one. I will update to 116 (release within the last hour) when I get home and see if it changes anything.
Thanks! I upgraded to 116, and the problem is still there. So I investigated further and found a solution. It turns out that the problem is not in the hass side, but on the Grafana side. It needs to have the following in the configuration, in order to be embedded:
there are two options in defaults.ini which restrict iframes
allow_embedding: false
cookie_samesite: lax
Change above two settings as below to make iframes work
I use the camera card and Gafana Render for my grafana. I need to check my www folder, and check my iframe more often. I do have Grafana as a link and iframe but for the normal web page not for showing dashboards.