Webpage dashboard only works when I’m on my own network


I have a few services running on another machine in my local network; transmission etc. I added the addresses to the services as a webpage dashboard - however they only work when I’m on my local network. Anyone has any idea why that is?

Do you get an error message about security when trying to view them remotely? If so, I believe it’s your browser stopping it in some way.


On the app just a grey page, on my computer just a “the page took to long to load”…

Because your internal HA access is via http (like your local web page) but your external access is via https.

Both the webpage and how you access home assistant have to be the same for the dashboard to work.

Hi Tom!

I use https both for my internal and external access. Also I use nginx reverse proxy with a ssl-cert for my internal sites. Sorry, should have mentioned that in my original post. Also using Adguard addon



Maybe you can try hass ingress custom integration. It does work with my docker containers.

Weirdly enough, the exact same issue using ingress - the interfaces work on my local network, but when outside nothing

@BananaErik hass ingress provides four work_modes to make services accessible in the ha sidebar, how do you configure them?

I tried to get the tandoor addon to my ingress first i tried with

    work_mode: ingress
    ui_mode: normal
    title: Kochbuch
    icon: mdi:chef-hat
    url: 'https://local-ip:port'

but this would not work due to a 502 Bad Gateway error,
so now i’ve tried

    work_mode: hassio
    ui_mode: normal
    title: Kochbuch
    icon: mdi:chef-hat
    url: db21ed7f_tandoor_recipes

now in the ingress page it says this addon does not support ingress.

is there any hope to achive an ingress page for this addon?

edit: in the Firefox addon it works with the ip:port but its a bit slow and does not work well on mobile

The tandoor recipes addon doesn’t support ingress, you can deploy nginx reverse proxy in front of it, if you need security you can try work_mode: auth.