WebUntis - Timetable in HA

I just want to share my integration WebUntis.
It allows you to use data from WebUntis, for example to set your alarm clock accordingly
or just to display your timetable in HA.

Let me know if you have any ideas to improve this integration!

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is there a way to use webUntis with a MS360 User?
I wasn’t able to use the integration, using a Microsoft 360 User account.

thanks in advance,

The WebUntis Python package is not compatible with an MS360 user.

ich lese hier mal mit wollte das auch schon mal instalieren aber bin neuling in sachen ha

Hi, would it be possible to put also other stuff on blacklist? Like teachers, Class or combinations?

Great integration.
Are you planning to ad information like Hausaufgaben and content of Klassenarbeiten?

Do you have a template for sending alerts if a class was cancelled?

Requesting homework is currently not supported by the Python WebUntis package, as outlined in this GitHub issue.

There is a fixed template in the code for canceled classes that is currently not modifiable.

This is a feature that I may add in the future.

In the documentation there is the sentence “Before you can use templates you need to enable the option generate JSON in the options flow. (Backend - generate JSON)”. What does that mean? How do I implement that?

When you enable this option in the option Flow the sensor will provide a json string you can use to get further informations. You can disable it to minimize server requests

Hi Jonas,

thanks for sharing your code, it sounds interesting! I am running HA in a school environment.

Is there a way to do 2FA as well? As a teacher I ll have to obey a second login factor.
Although it seems to work with my login data by viewing classes, i.e. I can see timetables of some of them in the calender sensor, I cannot get a valid login for my own schedule (see attachment, I guess this might be due to 2FA!?), students don’t have 2FA.

Infos like who is absent with a valid excuse would be a desirable information to get from this integration, etc… as well, in order to save time every day.

Glad for any reply.

