Weekday sensor from UI with Time & Date integration

Please add a weekday sensor to the time and date integration. currently, it requires yaml template to setup.

What’s wrong with a yaml template.

You can create a general “Weekday” sensor or sensors for particular days of the week in the UI using Schedule helpers.

aren’t we moving towards more GUI?

I think adding this to GUI will make it a lot easier and simpler.

too convoluted way of adding a weekday sensor.

Template sensors are in the GUI now as Helpers.

What exactly are you looking for…? A sensor that returns the day of the week or a binary sensor that indicates whether or not it’s a weekday?

For a binary sensor, if you don’t want to use a template or a schedule, there is also the Workday integration, which is fully UI configurable:

I want a sensor which returns the day of the week. Monday to Sunday. Just like we do for date.

The correct term could have been day of the week, My mistake :man_facepalming:

Considering the following, I wouldn’t bet on this FR being taken up:

  1. Time & Date is only used by 4% of users who share analytics.
  2. The Time & Date docs conclude by pointing users toward using template sensors
    for any other time or date sensor needs.
  3. The basic template for what you are asking for is simpler than the example provided
    in the Time & Date docs: {{ now().strftime('%A') }}
  4. Template Sensor are now UI configurable as Helpers.

Translating days of the week

IIRC, the “basic” template above does not get translated by HA. You can create a list of day names going from Monday-Sunday and use the weekday() datetime method to return the correct value:

{{ ["lunes", "martes", "miercoles", "jueves",
"viernes", "sabado", "domingo"][now().weekday()] }}

what can be done with a few clicks should be done the long convoluted way? :man_facepalming:

why should the day of the week be different from the date sensor? same integration should be used for all time, date and day of week. Logical, plain and simple.

why we are pointing towards templating again? new users will laugh at it if we keep pointing them to templating again and again.