Hi Folks - New to Home Assistant - Even newer to Energy monitoring.
Got myself a Shelly EM and a couple of clamps and I’m monitoring currently a Heat Pump
(Aircon) and a Spa pool. I’m using instructions I found on youtube and I have Peak / Offpeak Tariffs working for time of day (Offpeak 9pm - 7am) but my plan includes offpeak all weekends so my $ values are off course off currently as per the bill.
Here is my (full credit to Speak to the Geek) YAML for Energy: Peak and Offpeak Tariffs 120A
alias: "Energy: Peak and Offpeak Tariffs 120A"
description: ""
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.off_peak_energy_end
tariff: peak
- platform: time
at: input_datetime.off_peak_energy_start
tariff: offpeak
- service: select.select_option
entity_id: select.grid_usage_120a
option: "{{ tariff }}"
mode: single
Under the peak bit thinking that would only trigger a change to peak on those days of the week but I get the error
Message malformed: Unexpected value for condition: ‘None’. Expected and, device, not, numeric_state, or, state, sun, template, time, trigger, zone @ data[‘condition’][1]
I’m absolutely green at this and haven’t even researched whether YAML is an open language I can learn or specific to HA - I guess I really should have started with that knowledge.
Thanks @brandonp42 - I’ll give this a crack soon - I’ve just put a RS485 Wifi interface on my spa pool and I’m about to hopefully link it to Home Assistant so we can finally adjust temps over wifi, even from afar… This project has a high WAF (wife appreciation factor) so its pushed to the top of the list.
My saying “Turn the heater off, out power usage is hight” has a very low WAF at present
Cheers @jazzyisj - I’ll have a read soon - As above this project is lower on my wants and needs right now. Spa pool is being drummed into me right now as the wife has to plan more and go out in the cold to turn it up in advance