Hello guys! How are you doing?
I just installed an SIW200G M050 W0 inverter in my home, and I found out it has an RS485 port, which spits out all the data necessary for us to integrate into Home Assistant, I’m halfway into the development of the integration to use this port, and get all the data locally, I still did not test if I can connect to it directly, using the WiFi dongle, but my solution involves using an Elfin EW11 dongle, which costs around R$70,00, for us Brazilians
Would any of you guys be willing to test the integration out once I can get the first beta going?
I plan on adding support for USB RS485 adapters as well, but that’s not what I’ll be using so I will give some priority to connecting to it over the network (WiFi in the case of the Elfin EW11)
There’s also the option to get the Elfin EE11 which uses wired ethernet if you prefer
Here is the link for the RS485 - WiFi bridge: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/32916128353.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.33fbcaa4r3cMIQ&gatewayAdapt=glo2bra
Thanks in advance for the help!
Just coming back with an update from the integration
Here is the repo for it: GitHub - LucasTor/FoxESS-T-series
It should be in working condition already, tho real tests are still pending, as my inverter is not yet running, the only tests I ran were with mocked data, so hopefully everything will work great once I plug it in the real thing
Hi @lucast , I am so glad to hear you about this. I also have a WEG SIW200G M050 W0 for one year by now, and since then, I am looking for integrating with home assistant.
Well, mine also has a RS485 port and definitely I am interested to be a tester for you.
I do not have too much experience in coding, but definitely I can contribute somehow with the testing phase. I just need to know the directions.
By the way, thank you very much for your effort on this project.
Hey @aleguedes1983, sorry for the delayed response, my inverter just got installed, and I just confirmed with WEG that they removed the RS485 communication port from the main comm connector
The option they gave me was to use the telemetry port, which is also the same as the wifi dongle, do you have any soldering skills? We’ll have to solder 2 or 4 wires (depending if you want the inverter to power the RS485 device or not) to these 4 colored wires on the board
I just did that and was able to communicate to it, but sadly the tests are over for today as the sun is down and the inverter has powered off
I’m 99% positive from now on it’s just a matter of plugging it in to the integration and get going, but I’ll let you know once I have that running
Here are some pics of the inside of the wifi dongle:
Good news guys, we have data
I am trying to figure out which is the connector they use for the wifi dongle, so we can create an extension an get the data from there, instead of opening the wifi dongle, it looks a lot like a Mike connector, but the dimensions don’t match
This is my final setup, as I said earlier on the thread, I had to “borrow” the data lines from the wifi dongle, so I just made a little hole in the bottom where I could get an old USB cable through and plugged it into the Elfin EW11