Weird authentication issues

I’m having some strange things happen with authentication with esphome.

When I flash a previously used ESP with a new esphome device, it is causing another device to require re-authentication. I’m no sure how this is happening as the esp32 is bein completely reflashed.

When I plug the unused ESP in and power it up, it immediately requires another device on esphome to be re-authenticated.

If I try pull the logs of this newly created ESP device, it fails with an authentication error.

If I unplug the new esp32 device that I am flashing, and click re-authenticate, it re authenticates immediately without asking for the password and remains authenticated until I plug this esp32 back in?


The device just keeps failing authentication, even after I manually input the authentication key.

Any idea whats going on here, have tried rebooting HA multiple time to clear anything like cache etc.


Did you delete the previously used device from the home assistant esphome integration?

You need to do this before re-flashing.

Thanks Tom, sorted now.

I must have missed some devices that were left stale, I usually delete what is not used from the ESPhome integration.

Thank you!

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