Weird error in HA after 0.58.1

Hello experts,

I am facing two peculiar issues in my HA setup recently. My installation is on a RPi 3 using Raspbian OS.

This same installation is running well for more than a year without a trouble. However, recently I noticed that if I restart the Pi for any reason it reverts back to a specific dates snapshot!!! In between, whatever I do (delete some files, edit few files, add some) doesn’t matter.

Second issue is, I am getting an WARNING of

Unable to find service input_slider/select_value

whereas I don’t have any slider component i.e. it has been changed to input_number. And to resolve this error I had removed each and every configuration lines that’s related to input_number. One last resort of rewriting the card and starting from the scratch might solve the issue but I really don’t want to go that route unless I am left with no other option.

I know its very hard to even guess the root cause not knowing the complete config or components; the reason I am asking because someone might have experienced these already and got some way to resolve it ??

Any suggestion is much appreciated.

Best Regards

I’ve seen some posts about configuration changes reverting back and the general consensus is that the sd card is on its way out.

The input slider error is probably related to a straggling file if that’s the case.

Thanks for the suggestion… will try to run the image from a different card first… lets see

input_slider was renamed to input_number in a breaking change a couple versions ago.

Yep I changed that one as I mentioned. Then I disabled the input_number configuration from my configuration completely, still the WARNING! is there… As pointed by @anon43302295 May be my SD Card is not playing nice…

sorry, missed that. that’s what I get for viewing on mobile. The forums look a little different and I skipped that part. I’d say the SD card is going bad. Unfortunately I’ve never experienced that so I can’t comment much more on it.

Thank you all for your suggestions… I went with a fresh install (HassIO this time) in a new SD Card. After several iterations, now this is working fine… The root cause most likely was the SD card. As the card can be re-written fine without any issue but whenever I try it with any Pi with any OS, something wrong with expanding the root fs… weird!!! Anyway, I am happy that everything started working again…

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