Weird green border with camera

I’ve got a stream configured with go2rtc for my camera.

  outdoor_camera_1: # <- RTSP stream camera front
    - rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/h.264

And when I check the stream I see a green border at the bottom and the right side.

Could anyone help me out how to fix this please. Thank you.

My guess is that your window size is bigger than the video resolution and in order to avoid scaling the video and thereby also make it blurry it adds those borders.

Thanks, I’m using go2rtc for my camera streams. The camera has a resolution of 1920x1080. Do you have any idea how I can set this in the config? This is what I’ve got sofar:

  outdoor_camera_1: # <- RTSP stream camera front
    - rtsp://xxxxx:[email protected]:554/h.264

I replaced the username, password and ip

Thank you already!

Sorry, I do not know that.
If the only thing you set in HA is that URL, then it probably is somewhere in the camera.
The question is maybe more if you should not scale the window to fit the stream rather than the other way.
If your stream is 1920x1080 and your screen resolution is also 1920x1080, then your screen will be too small for the entire picture due to frames, menus and other graphical stuff.