Weird issue with ESP32 ?


I started my sketch for an ESP8266 to handle a AM2302 temperature/humidity sensor and some BLE detection. Then I realised the BLE feature is only avalaible on ESP32. So took an ESP32 board I had (which looks to be a dev board with 4M of RAM) to be able to use the BLE feature. Unhappy each time I connect my AM2302 sensor on an input of ESP32 it then no more starts on crashes if already on ! Same wiring (basically Power, GND, signal pulled up with 4.7K resistor to Power). I then putted it back on the ESP8266 and it works fine. Any ideas what’s the problem ? I tried few GPIO on the ESP32 but all same effect :frowning:



What is your yaml? What does your log say?

What does this even mean?