Weird Light Group Behavior

I am having a weird issue that I am hoping someone might be able to explain to me.

I just added 3 zigbee bulbs to a light group (bulb 1, bulb 2, and bulb 3).
In Nabu Casa Google Assistant Settings (in HA), I have exposed those bulbs INDIVIDUALLY, AKA, I have NOT exposed the light group to Google Assistant. I dont know that it matters, but I noticed it when I tried to control the individual lights via voice command and it wasnt working like expected. It does not, however, matter if I do it through GA, or through HA directly.

It seems as though since doing this, I have lost the ability to control the lights individually. If I turn one bulb one, the other two come on as well. If all 3 bulbs are on, and I turn two off, a minute later, the two I turned off turn back on.

And to go with this, after I try turning on just bulb 1, the logbook shows that I turned on the entire light group instead of just that single bulb.

Removing the Light Group entirely, these issues go away.

Currently running 2021.10.3. All of the lights are zigbee, and I am using ZHA with a Conbee II.

Show your light group configuration.

In my lights.yaml file

- platform: group
  name: Living Room Lights
    - light.zigbee_bulb_1
    - light.zigbee_bulb_2
    - light.zigbee_bulb_3

And you are 100% sure you have not assigned any zigbee groups / associations?

100% sure.

But it seems the problem has resolved itself? I removed the light group, restarted, and then re-added the group, and everything is worked as expected now. Not sure what happened.

Okay so the problem has not fixed itself. I just upgraded to 21.10.7 and the issue has returned. I tried the whole process of removing it, restarting, and re-enabling it, but the issue persists. Any ideas?

Problem persists in 2021.11.3

Have you opened an issue?