Weird Z-Wave error - 15 minutes between switch click in GUI and switch reaction

I have no idea what’s happened here. I changed an automation (nothing big, just pulling info from my thermostates from Hass to MQTT) in my system, and then suddenly nothing worked, After a while and a few restarts I found out that the first switch activated would work, then nothing else works the foloowing clicks takes 15 minutes before the switches react! Has anybody ever seen something like this? I really don’t want to slash my network and start all over, because parts of the network is in the 2/3 of my house that I have rented out, running the heaters and thermostats in there. I did of course try to delete the xml file, and I changed back the automation yaml, but that didn’t change anything. I tried different versions of Hass. Nothing. On startup the network starts and goes through the regular initialization, with cache load, associations, neighbours, session, dynamic and then shows Ready on all devices. only they don’t work beyond the first switch clicked. It takes about 7-8 minutes with a 17 node network, because three are dead (for the first time after many tenants this family didn’t understand simple logic like night temperatures, so they pulled the wall switches…). But it’s been like that for a couple of months, without any problems.

Edit: Restoring a week old image backup of the Pi, and then running a heal didn’t help. But running a second heal suddenly fixed it! Weird stuff…