Weishaupt integration

Hey Chris,

i tried 3 afternoons of fixing this problem but i found no solution…
In the end i installed Home Assistant completly new on my Raspberry.
After that the problem was fixed. Sorry that i dont have any other fix for you.

Best regards

thanks for your plugin. As I learned, it used to work without Chromium headend which is required now? Is there any possibility to again use it only with python, as hass,io core does not have chromium headend included as far as I know?

Hi Dirk,
Will it be deployed for HACS?
B/Rgs Mads

For anyone still looking for a solution, I made a custom component that scrapes WEM portal and is now available on HACS. https://github.com/erikkastelec/hass-WEM-Portal


Thanks for your effort on this plugin! I really hoped that Weishaupt made integration with home automation systems easier. I already wiresharked/inspected the traffic between the wem-sg and the WEM Portal but it seems it is using xmpp with client certificate authentication. (With a private key that is on the wem-sg OS) so I think a direct communication between web-sg and Home assistant is almost impossible. Or I need to figure out if there is a way in setting up my own xmpp server and point the wem-sg to this server which probably involves setting up my own DNS server that points to the fake XMPP server. But despite that the client certificate authentication could be the dealbreaker here.
You can find out your Certificate CN when you browse to the IP off your wem-sg and logging in using basic authentication.

I think for now your plugin is the best way forward on this. Are there future plans to include setting the room temperature, Holiday mode, time programs,…?


If you find any other way of interfacing with the device, please let me know. All the settings that are available via the mobile app will be included in the future updates, but I can’t give an accurate time frame yet.

Hi I wanted to intergrate your Plugin but all sensor wont get any data. Is this issue known?
Best regards

Such an issue was not encountered by anyone so far. I suggest you take a look at logs to see if there is a problem with authentication. If the issue persists, please open an issue on github and I will look into it further.

Thanks for the reply.
I deleted the integration and had to delete all the “old” enitities because they were recovered when i “reinstalled” the integration.

is there a list of einities that should come with the integration?
Best regards

Glad to hear that you managed to solve it.

There is not a set list of entities as Weishaupt provides different information for different devices. You can find all the available entities of this integration by searching for wemportal under entities inside your Home Assistant instance.

Yeah I saw that. I searched for an entity for the Energy Dashboard but there ist None :frowning: In the WEM Portal App i have a statistic (14days/1year/10years in kW) is ist possible to geht those values?

Haven’t implemented this yet, but will get to it soon. Can’t give you a timeline, but it shouldn’t take too long.

That sounds nice! I will wait for it :slight_smile:

@erikkastelec Would it be possible to also alter settings via the WEM Portal by your component, or is it only for read-out information ?

This is already a part of the integration. All the settings that can be edited via mobile app can be edited via this custom integration.

Der Link funkioniert nicht…

Please use this component: GitHub - erikkastelec/hass-WEM-Portal: Custom component for retrieving sensor information from Weishaupt WEM Portal

@verjaak have you found any way to get the data directly from the network Interface of the heating system?

Hi, I´m not sure if this is the support area for the integration.

I installed the integration via HACS and made the configuration as adviced.

The different sensors show up in entities… but what next ?

As I´m a complete noob with HA, I kindly ask for your advice for the next steps to make the data from the WEM Portal visible for me.

Many thanks in advance !

I love this integration. Well done.

Do you have an update on when we can see the statistics? It would be nice to store this daily data in Home Assistant.
I would like to see used energy vs outside temperature.
And of course the nice energy sensor integration.