WEMeter 3 phase energy monitor

Hello All,
Anyone come across these?

I have had one for about a year now and would really like the data to go into HA…

This is what they look like inside, seems like an ESP chip but I am no expert on these…

Does anyone have any idea how to get the data off these into HA?? Would be really great if something like Tasmota was flashable onto them!

Well, Just thought I would follow up on this post I made a while ago.
I have been trying for some time to integrate the data from this energy monitor into HA.
And due to the brilliant work of @peterbuga with his Sonoff integration, I finally got it to work today! Just use Peters integration and presto the devices appear in HA!
My next step is to figure out if the 3 phases are sent separately or not!
Any ideas @peterbuga ? I can send you data if you need it. Just treat me as a total noob at coding etc.

why would this matter? they get updated whenever itead servers send something back (ex: if V value changes only V update is sent or all 3 A/V/W at once) or via fallback polling at specific intervals

It would be handy to be able to get the power/current usage on each power phase. I didnt mean the 3 values of volts, amps and power being sent. Where we live most houses have 3 phase power, and the monitor I bought has 3 CT coils that monitor each live 240v phase. It would be good to know how balanced the phases are. Also our power companies are pretty poor and it would give me more data to tell them that their transformers etc are not working properly.

hi, what device you use for it ?

Its called WeMeter, see the pictures at the top of the post. Was that what your asking?

thanks , i see that it is only for one phase and quite expensive

They do a 3 phase unit as well, thats what I have with 3 x CT sensor coils. If I were going to buy an energy monitor now, I would go and get the unit from https://openenergymonitor.org/

thanks for your answer.