Wemo Broken with 0.116?

After the 0.116 update, none of my Wemo devices are working. I use static configuration with static IP addresses on all of the devices. They are fine from the Wemo app. I am getting the log errors below. Anyone else seeing a problem?

Logger: homeassistant.components.wemo
Source: components/wemo/init.py:170
Integration: Belkin WeMo (documentation, issues)
First occurred: October 7, 2020, 10:18:18 PM (6 occurrences)
Last logged: October 7, 2020, 10:18:46 PM

  • Unable to get description url for WeMo at:
  • Unable to get description url for WeMo at:
  • Unable to get description url for WeMo at:
  • Unable to get description url for WeMo at:
  • Unable to get description url for WeMo at:

Nevermind, after multiple restarts last night, this morning they have all returned.

And now it’s back. I’m also having problems with Netatmo weather now. Earlier it was my Roomba. So far with this release, I can’t reliably get all 3 of these devices to be connected at once.

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I’m continuing to have this problem with 0.118. Removing the integration and rebooting sometimes works but not consistently. Affecting a wemo smart plug, mini, insight plug, and light switch. Worked solidly for months on 0.117.