Wemo Configuration

Having just completed the installation of HA, I want to start to configure it to do things for me.
I find it discovers my 3 wemo devices which it offers me by name under a Switches heading on the Overview page.
It also discovers my Home Theatre unit when it is switched on. It would be nice to have a button to add discovered devices to the configuration, but I am not afraid to enter them into the configuration file, if I know what is required. There are several pages of information on configuration, but these do not offer compatible solutions!
Searching for wemo setup issues in the forum, I find an example of someone using both wemo and TP-link devices, competing products from different companies to perform the same function. Below I have copied the entries he shows for these devices:-

TP-Link Switch setup


  • platform: tplink
    name: “Table Lamp”
  • platform: tplink
    name: “Floor Lamp”



Two similar sets of devices with totally different methods of description in the config file.
I could construct a description in either format, but which format is correct, preferred or best practice. It makes little sense to have two different formats for the same functions. Is there some entry in a log file somewhere with regard to discovered devices that would give guidance on the configuration entries needed for that device.
I have tried to find a good concise description of the requirement for describing devices and the meaning of the information on each line, but have failed to find one that gives me that information in a clear and simple form. For example, we have the outer level name, switch or wemo, does this imply that a handler is available for that function or is it simply a textual description. For platform, presumably a handler for that platform needs to be available, e.g. tplink, but is there also a similar handler for wemo. Is there anywhere a concise list of valid platforms with a description of how they should be used.
For the wemo list above, does this just point the system at the devices at that IP address and leave the system to work out what they are and their name and the protocol to use.
Then for tplink, they are given a name and an IP address. If these things are capable of being discovered, then that name becomes effectively a machine address, which could be used instead of the IP address. I access the HA page on my network by MachineName:8123 and not by IPAddress:8123.
Sorry if this is all a bit long and involved, but I would like to understand these issues properly before I really get started so that I can start off in the right way. If anyone can point me to where I can read this, I would appreciate it.

I had trouble following your question. You will find that different platforms have different setup requirements. ie tp-link and wemo. Once they are in they are both listed as switch.wemo or switch.tplink and how you control them is the same. I have both wemo and tp link and they work fine, they just require different configurations in the configuration.yaml to get them into home assistant.

I do not have wemo, but the TP-Link work normally.

  - platform: command_line
        friendly_name: 'Aeotec Z-Stick Disco Light'
        command_on: 'echo -e -n "\x01\x08\x00\xF2\x51\x01\x01\x05\x01\x50" > /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00'
        command_off: 'echo -e -n "\x01\x08\x00\xF2\x51\x01\x00\x05\x01\x51" > /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00'

  - platform: tplink
    name: TP-Link Outlet

I get this:

Also it will help if you mark the sections from the config file as code, that way others can check for proper spacing in the yaml file, that cause me most of my problems.

Also under the name I have not been using quotes and the name is displayed correctly.

Why do you need any configuration for the Wemo? It’s showing up so what more is needed?

I can’t speak for the TPlink switches, as I don’t have any, but you will find that different devices have different config requirements. Just follow the documentation, and you should be fine. If you run into trouble, the forum is here for you.

For the Wemo configuration, all you technically need is to include this in your configuration:


This will automatically discover Wemo devices on your network, and bring them into HA. The name will be derived from the name assigned in the Wemo app. for example, if you name the switch ‘Cool Smart Switch’ in the Wemo app, you will find a switch named ‘switch.cool_smart_switch’ in HA.

If you have assigned your Wemo switches static IP addresses (usually via DHCP reservations on your router), then you can add those IPs in the way shown in the example pasted in:


But if you haven’t assigned static IPs, then don’t do this. Otherwise whenever the router assigned a new IP, you will have to go back in and change them.

This is a good point. If you intend to keep the discovery component enabled, you technically don’t need to do anything for the wemo switches to show up.

all you technically need is


Thanks to everyone who has replied.
Really the simple answer to most of the points is that I am totally new and wanting to learn what is best practice in setting up the system.
I would like to read a formal specification of how the entries in the configuration file are interpreted, but haven’t been able to find one.
As for discovery, I don’t know if the normal way to use HA is to leave discovery enabled, or whether it is considered best practice to disable it once the system has been configured.

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I know I’m replying to an ancient thread, but just ran into a situation where my WeMo Plugs weren’t being detected. HA 2121.2.3 and updated firmware on the WeMo’s. Using the “static” callout wasn’t sufficient, had to explicitly declare “discovery: false”. Restarted and everything was correctly detected and added to the system.

Here’s what mine looks like. No, you shouldn’t use those IP addresses. :slight_smile:

      discovery: false

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Isn’t wemo configured via a GUI integration now? There should be no wemo: section in config anymore

Should be, but doesn’t detect my devices. Had to add that section to my config.

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Do you have normal discovery enabled?
I just updated the firmware in my Wemo Switch and it is still working as expected and I use discovery.