WeMo lights are detected switch and motion sensor are not

I have created a static entry for my WeMo. The lights are detected and are configured correctly. I have a WeMo motion and switch that are both accessible from the WeMo app but are not discovered in HASS. Is there a step that I am missing?

Looks like the switch should be supported. I don’t see anything about WeMo sensors being supported.

Have you tried adding your switches manually (static)?

I am using the following to enable the lights


The switch and motion which are connected to the same bridge are not discovers.

Did you add the switch and sensor the same way?

I did not create a separate sensor for the lights. Just the above setting was added at the root of my config.yaml. Do I need to add this line for each component type? I had assumed that they would be discovered the same as the lights.

The is likely the IP address of your light which is why it is working. If you add the IP address of your switch it would hopefully show up also. (not sure why discovery isn’t working). You can try adding the IP of your sensor also, however, I don’t see any documentation saying its supported in HASS. is the static address of the WeMo link bridge. It discovers the two lights that I have by using that address.

Can you add the IP of your switch to the list, see if that allows it to show in HA?

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That seems to have done the trick. I had assumed that since it had discovered the lights that it would do the same for the others. Thanks for the help!

Did it work for the sensor also? Just curious as I don’t see any documentation in the components page so wondering if they work in HA.

It does work for both. The motion sensor shows up as a switch and is on or off based on motion detected.

Just thought that I would write back to say what my original problem with discovery was in case someone else runs into the issue. My home net work is Cisco based and I needed to enable IGMP snooping on the vlan.