WeMo No longer working

After upgrading to .33.3, I’m having issues. All my wemo devices have vanished from HASS and my MQTT presence tracking is spotty at best.

Tried downgrading to .32.1 and .31.4, but saw the same results. I’m not seeing any errors in the log, other than the usual complaints from Netatmo.


After removing some _pycache folders, I’m seeing more reliable behavior from mqtt, but I’m still not seeing any wemo devices in HASS

Have tried disabling discovery and statically configuring wemo devices, no luck

Tried a pip uninstall and reinstall of the pywemo component, still no wemo devices in HASS

After following the downgrade steps here:

rebooting several times, then upgrading to .33.3 again, and once again removing the WeMo device from my configuration.yaml and going being to the generic discovery, I’m working.