Hi. With 0.42, I lost my Wemo motion sensors… with 0.43, I have them back, but when I restart hass, it takes a very long time… like 15 minutes! I usually give up and kill the process.
I tried turning off discover and used the wemo: component directly… this made hass take twice as long to initialize (according to the message in the logs about how long it takes), but worked the same.
(I have 2 switches, 1 insight switch, and 2 motion sensors.)
I removed wemo altogether, and restarting took a few seconds, so I’m pretty sure this is the problem.
When I restart (by using service: homeassistant.restart), one of the last things I see in my logs is:
... INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event homeassistant_stop[L]>
... INFO (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.wemo] Shutting down subscriptions.
I have also had a few times where my Wemo motion sensors just stopped working - they were still there in the UI, but stayed on or off and didn’t trigger my automations.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Do we have any ideas for fixing it?
… hold the phone… I’ve been checking for 0.43.1 regularly, including today… found that it’s out with a Wemo fix just before I press post. I’m pleased to report that this is fixed, and restarting takes only seconds again. Thanks @Pavoni
Well, I’ll leave this here for anyone else searching for the issue.
I’ve got troubles with 0.43.1 and my wemo insight…
and this morning the rpi’s temperature was to 72°C… !!!
in my log it appears only this rows in loop :
17-04-26 06:47:38 INFO (Thread-10) [pywemo.subscribe] Subscribing to events from <WeMo Insight "Cafetiere">
17-04-26 06:47:38 INFO (Wemo Events Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Resubscribe for <WeMo Insight "Cafetiere">
sirdir1972: That looks like subscriptions left over from 0.43.0. I think they should go away after some time (I saw the same thing) - but you could unplug your wemo device and plug it back in (and then restart HA) to get a clean state.
Make sure you upgraded cleanly to 0.43.1 and the pywemo library installed OK - because what you describe was an issue with the library used in 0.43.0. However it’s possible that 0.43.0 has filled up all the subscriptions in your wemo insight switch. - and it isn’t coping well. So you could unplug it - and then plug it back in - and restart HA (0.43.1) - to make sure you have a clean state.
You definitely don’t want 0.43.0 if you have wemo insight switches!