Wemo slows down/prevents restart

Hi. With 0.42, I lost my Wemo motion sensors… with 0.43, I have them back, but when I restart hass, it takes a very long time… like 15 minutes! I usually give up and kill the process.
I tried turning off discover and used the wemo: component directly… this made hass take twice as long to initialize (according to the message in the logs about how long it takes), but worked the same.
(I have 2 switches, 1 insight switch, and 2 motion sensors.)

I removed wemo altogether, and restarting took a few seconds, so I’m pretty sure this is the problem.

When I restart (by using service: homeassistant.restart), one of the last things I see in my logs is:

... INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event homeassistant_stop[L]>
... INFO (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.wemo] Shutting down subscriptions.

I have also had a few times where my Wemo motion sensors just stopped working - they were still there in the UI, but stayed on or off and didn’t trigger my automations.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
Do we have any ideas for fixing it?

… hold the phone… I’ve been checking for 0.43.1 regularly, including today… found that it’s out with a Wemo fix just before I press post. I’m pleased to report that this is fixed, and restarting takes only seconds again. Thanks @Pavoni

Well, I’ll leave this here for anyone else searching for the issue.

Glad it’s fixed - and sorry for causing the bug!

Anyone using wemo should upgrade to 0.43.1 from 0.43 asap!

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At least you saved me from posting something similar :wink:

But now I have to, anyway.
It’s a little, little better than with .43, but I still get tons of messages like:

Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Received event from <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Wohnzimmer”>( - EnergyPerUnitCost 4|200|4
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Subscription update for <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Wohnzimmer”>
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Received event from <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Patrick”>( - EnergyPerUnitCost 4|200|4
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Subscription update for <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Patrick”>
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Received event from <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Wohnzimmer”>( - EnergyPerUnitCost 4|200|4
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Subscription update for <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Wohnzimmer”>
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Received event from <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Patrick”>( - EnergyPerUnitCost 4|200|4
Apr 25 13:07:58 cs hass[8344]: 17-04-25 13:07:58 INFO (Wemo HTTP Thread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Subscription update for <WeMo Insight “Mueckenschutz Patrick”>

… as you can see, more than once a second. I guess that’s not normal either?

PS: It seems to slow down after some minutes.

Yes, I turned that noise down in my logs. The Insight is so loud! :anguished:

I’ve got troubles with 0.43.1 and my wemo insight…
and this morning the rpi’s temperature was to 72°C… !!!

in my log it appears only this rows in loop :

17-04-26 06:47:38 INFO (Thread-10) [pywemo.subscribe] Subscribing to events from <WeMo Insight "Cafetiere">
17-04-26 06:47:38 INFO (Wemo Events Thread) [pywemo.subscribe] Resubscribe for <WeMo Insight "Cafetiere">

And no one of my automations work…

but good news, it works very well with 0.43.0 !!! :slight_smile:

sirdir1972: That looks like subscriptions left over from 0.43.0. I think they should go away after some time (I saw the same thing) - but you could unplug your wemo device and plug it back in (and then restart HA) to get a clean state.

Make sure you upgraded cleanly to 0.43.1 and the pywemo library installed OK - because what you describe was an issue with the library used in 0.43.0. However it’s possible that 0.43.0 has filled up all the subscriptions in your wemo insight switch. - and it isn’t coping well. So you could unplug it - and then plug it back in - and restart HA (0.43.1) - to make sure you have a clean state.

You definitely don’t want 0.43.0 if you have wemo insight switches!