WeMo & Xiaomi Switch Connection Problems - 72.1

Since updating to 72.1 yesterday, I have been having huge issues with WeMo disconnections in HA, and a lesser issue with Xiaomi WiFi Plugs also dropping out. Sample from my logs below.

Steps taken so far;

  • Checked Ubiquiti UniFi, all WeMo & Xiaomi switches are maintaining a connection, no dropouts
  • All accessible plugs power cycled, and
  • Hassbian updated, Pi rebooted multiple times
  • Ubiquiti router and AP restarted

Any ideas on what may be causing the problem? Seems to be somewhat isolated to the switch component. Thank in advance.

> 2018-06-28 15:17:09 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:17:09 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor.threshold] State is not numerical
> 2018-06-28 15:17:35 ERROR (Thread-19) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:17:35 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:18:06 ERROR (Thread-5) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:18:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:18:29 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to Fish Tank
> 2018-06-28 15:18:34 WARNING (Thread-3) [pywemo.ouimeaux_device.api.service] Error communicating with Fish Tank, retry 0
> 2018-06-28 15:18:37 ERROR (Thread-8) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:18:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:18:54 ERROR (Thread-3) [pywemo.ouimeaux_device] Unable to re-probe wemo at
> 2018-06-28 15:19:01 ERROR (Thread-3) [pywemo.ssdp] Found malformed XML at status=ok
> 2018-06-28 15:19:08 ERROR (Thread-21) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:19:08 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:19:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:19:11 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor.threshold] State is not numerical
> 2018-06-28 15:19:13 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of switch.vacuum_power is taking over 10 seconds
> 2018-06-28 15:19:21 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:19:32 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:19:36 WARNING (Thread-25) [pychromecast.socket_client] Heartbeat timeout, resetting connection
> 2018-06-28 15:19:39 ERROR (Thread-16) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:19:39 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:19:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:20:10 ERROR (Thread-14) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
> 2018-06-28 15:20:10 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.xiaomi_miio] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
> 2018-06-28 15:20:15 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch.wemo] Lost connection to TV
> 2018-06-28 15:20:15 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor.threshold] State is not numerical
> 2018-06-28 15:20:16 ERROR (Thread-3) [pywemo.ouimeaux_device] Unable to reconnect with Fish Tank in 5 tries. Stopping.

On reboot, this error is in the logs.
2018-06-28 20:14:44 ERROR (Thread-10) [pywemo.ssdp] Found malformed XML at status=ok

i have similar problem with xiaomi vacuum…

2018-07-21 13:02:56 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
2018-07-21 13:03:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_13) [miio.device] Unable to discover a device at address
2018-07-21 13:03:52 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [miio.device] Got error when receiving: timed out
2018-07-21 13:04:12 ERROR (SyncWorker_17) [miio.device] Got error when receiving: timed out