Hello and thank you for reading.
I am having a couple of newb (learn as I go) issues!! (I have a good understanding and I am great at following instructions once I find the right ones).
I am using HASS supervised. I am able to edit my YAML configs and have HACS and also ESPhome installed.
My idea is to be able to detect my doorbel being pressed and then send a signal to HASS via a wemos D1 mini. I can then set an automation so that a light will flash or do whatever I want.
The door bell that I have is this Doorbell.
I am having an issue with finding the correct code and YAML to upload to my ESP D1 mini and HASS that will detect the signal from the receiver for the doorbell.
The doorbell will output a “tune” as I have hijacked the wires that would have went to the speaker. (so not really just a single on or off signal, shortest “tune” is about 90 seconds) The speaker is no more and I have a relay now between the Wemos and the bell to isolate the high and low voltage.
RED wire is connected to “normally closed”.
BLACK wire is connected to “common”.
Relay board I have has three pins: “IN” “GND” "VCC.
Wemos D1 mini is all ready to go and has been intergrated into HASS.
Any thoughts or ideas would be mercifully accepted as I am at the end of my teather. I have went back to a clean slate a few times now!!
Thank you.