Wemos D1 Mini - Tasmota - RGB

Hey all,

I’m creating a couple of ight components based on Wemos D1 Mini + Tasmota + WS2812 Led Strip.

All good when ‘tasmotizing’ it! No erros. In the Tasmota config I have

  • Module Type: Generic
  • D4 GPIO2 -> WS2812 (07).

When I play with the Tasmota console everything works. This is how I have it configured in Hassio:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "D1mini ws2812"
    command_topic: "cmnd/D1mini01/power2"
    state_topic: "stat/D1mini01/POWER2"
    rgb_state_topic: "stat/D1mini01/color"
    rgb_command_topic: "cmnd/D1mini01/color"
    brightness_state_topic: "stat/D1mini01/dimmer"
    brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/D1mini01/dimmer"
    retain: true

No errors when I check config. When restart I can see the entity.

But there are some issues when trying to use it:

  • Can’t see the Color Selector
  • Looks like the max brightness level is higher in Hassio that in the Wemos.

Anybody have a configuration that I can try?

Thanks in advance.