Wemos D1 mini v4 deep sleep on 5V

Hello, I have a couple of LOLIN D1 mini v4.0.0 powered by 5V USB-C with SHT30 reading temperature and humidity, works great, but I’d like to use the deep sleep function both to save energy but also to generate less heat that can effect the readings of the sensor (even if it’s remote with the cable).

On the official deep sleep documentation: Deep Sleep Component — ESPHome
I read “Some ESP8266s have an onboard USB chip (e.g. D1 mini) on the chips’ control line that is connected to the RST pin … This may interfere with deep sleep”

Is the deep sleep on the wemos D1 mini supposed to work only on 3.3V battery power or is there a way to make it work on usb?

I’m not using mqtt, I’ve never tried and recently read the latest ESPHome api has gotten much better than mqtt so it’s not worth it.

I’ve read various threads about similar issues but not found a single solved case and most are really old, maybe the v4 version of the wemos solved some issues?

Did you figure out the solution? I’ve been having the same problem.

I’m sorry, but I haven’t been able to make it work. I used a loin ESP32 C3 mini and pici and those work great in deep sleep