Wemos Lolin D32 Pro and MAX7219 with ESPHome


I have a Lolin D32 Pro and 4 MAX7219 displays that I want to use with ESPHome and Home Assistant. But, I’m stuck on two things:

  1. I don’t know which pins on the D32 that I should connect to. I’ve been googling for schematics, and I’ve found it for other boards, but the pin names don’t match. I see that the other pins on the 7219 are mentioned here and here (mosi, cs, and clk), but I really don’t know how to use it. For exampel, do I need to configure the SPI bus first? Can I use almost any pins that I want to, as long as I set them in the configuration?

  2. Based on this, I’m not sure on how to configure ESPHome regarding the pins above.

The bottom line here is that I need to understand the concept. Can anyone help?

Nevermind, i read a little more and and solved it :slight_smile:

If anyone with a similar board is interested, this is my config;

  name: ...

  board: lolin_d32_pro
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

  clk_pin: SCK
  mosi_pin: MOSI
  miso_pin: MISO

  - platform: max7219digit
    cs_pin: SS
    num_chips: 4
    intensity: 10
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(digit_font), "Test");

Can you share what font you’re using?

I’m using this one: PixelMix Font | dafont.com

I really don’t know if it’s a good font yet since I’m in the beginning with this, but it has worked so far.

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