I’ve had a Z-Wave hub for years, but am hoping to get rid of it and replace it with Home Assistant. But clearly I’m missing some basic fact or instructions.
I’ve successfully included a couple of switches and some multi-sensors.
But when I try to create an automation (using the web interface) to make the lights turn on when I enter the room, the automation never fires.
I’ve chosen the multisensor’s “motion” trigger from the drop-down. But that sensor never turns on. According to the Z-Wave log, when I wave at the sensor the “burglar” trigger fires, not the “motion” trigger. Which is annoying but I’d live with it…except “burglar” is not one of the triggers in the drop-down.
What am I doing wrong? When I search for help on this I find a few seemingly-similar issues, but they’re not particularly recent and the answers assume you’re doing this by hand-coding things. Which I will be happy to learn how to do eventually. But I don’t know even what language it is. YAML? Anyway I’d like to get something going; is the web based automation builder still a WIP? Or is it supposed to be working and I’m the idiot?
Yes. Yaml
In the automation creator you can change back/forth between UI editor and yaml.editor by pressing [3 dots] at upper right corner
Multisensors may create several Entities.
You want to look for the binary_sensor.entity that is created for the sensor and use that in automation.
Walk in room to trigger sensor.
Wait about 3minutes
Review the HA Logbook.
Logbook will showm the triggered entities and you can possibly use this to find the binary_sensor.
There are other ways that may be better but explaining that would take a lot of typing😁
OK. But switching to the YAML editor will not help me in the short term…I’ve never used YAML and know nothing about it. I can learn, but it’s going to take a while. At this point I don’t even know what I don’t know.
Yes. It did create several entities. But “Burglar” is not one of them. But in the Z-Wave log, “Burglar” is what is being triggered when I move in front of the sensor. This is the crux of my issue.
Burglar is not an entity. It is property of an entity.
You may be looking at zwave.entity and that is wrong. Look for and trigger with the sensor.yourdevice or binary_sensor.yourdevice. I believe this is what you are missing.
What kind of motion sensor is it? If Aeotec, configure a binary motion sensor trigger in the device settings. Burglar is at value 7 when motion is triggered I believe.