What are the correct steps to take to rename ESPHome devices and move them to a new IP?

I’m moving devices from one network to another. From to

40.0/24 is a VLAN with its own WIFI SSID. If I modify the configuration for a device in ESPHome to have the new WIFI information then upload that information, the device takes on the new network settings, but all associated sensors become unavailable, like they don’t exist, despite a log that is receiving the information needed from the sensor.

This also happens if I try to rename a device.

What is the correct way to do this?

Edit your device file and upload the new firmware.
Delete the device from Home Assistant (can be done before step one).
Add the device to Home Assistant.

I am unable to delete the device. There’s no delete option for it.

This is what I did:

  1. Delete from configuration —> integrations —> ESPHome —> specific device (tap three dot and tap delete)
  2. Edit config or rename or any other things in ESPHome
  3. If you use ESPHome integration with HA, tap three dot in the specific device/yaml file and tap “Clean Build Files”
  4. After that, tap “Upload”
  5. In HA Notification, there will be notification to add your ESPHome device as first step

In the integration click the device, then you will be able to delete that device. Like it was a single integration.

I think that the step I was stuck on was having to manually add another device via IP in the integrations screen. For some reason, I thought that HA would notify me that there was a new device detected in the integration.

This works too:

That changes when you do get routing in between (another subnet). mDNS should be passed or you should set the addon to use ping for the status…