I started to call the topic “HASS.IO for Dummies”, but for once thought better.
hass.io seems to be used a lot in a generic sense. I started with hassbian cause I wanted to really understand Home Assistant and did not want the details to be hidden. I was running HA on a PI3 just on my table top. There came a point I was ready to put it into production. Today I have an Almond+. Which as a side note, it has an API. I wish there was a integration to it. Back to the topic, so I am ready to put HA into production, so I switched to hass.io for some testing. Did everything I wanted without the hassles of upgrading the OS or I thought it took care of it all. So now I have an issue after upgrading that it is not reading resin.io is not reading my network config. I have to manually set it up if the PI reboots. Then I find out, there not any support because there is a new HassOS. Then HA now supports google maps sharing. I can’t get it to work and need to update the locationsharinglib. The issue is, how to install it when the OS is hidden. I do have the sh setup for p: 22222, but I do I make sure it is installed in such a way that HA can use it? I do see most of my limitations is understanding docker. Maybe I need a “docker for dummies” more than hass.io.
Can someone help me understand the architecture of the hass.io image for the PI? Where does the OS end and Hass.io start? Will the new HassOS just take the place of resin? Will we have developer access to the OS?
I know my questions are somewhat generic, but right now I do not have the vocabulary to ask the questions any better. I am hoping someone will enter a dialog so I can frame better questions.