What are the limitations on generic Linux?

The install page for hass.io says it can be installed on generic Linux or in a VM, but “When you use this installation method, some add-ons will not be available and the documentation might not work for your installation.” How do I find out which add-ons are not available and what the limitations are, aside from actually going through the entire setup process? I was thinking of moving hass.io to a VM on a Mac Mini so I can run iTunes and the iTunes Hass addon, but before I go through setting all that up, I’d like to know what the drawbacks are specifically.

No idea. I’m running HASS on Ubuntu 14.04 and haven’t run into any limitations or issues. I wouldn’t want to run it any other way.

Are you running hass.io or vanilla hass?

Why not just run the docker version of home assistant? I manage mine from portainer and have syncthing, node-red, mqtt, postgresql, and a few other containers running on my NUC

Because I want everything to be as simple as possible. Click-to-install addons. Built in snapshots. I’m champing at the bit for the (likely far-off) day when everything is done through a GUI, and using HASS is as easy as using Stringify or IFTTT. The less time I can spend doing everything myself from scratch, the better.

I do everything from a GUI. Not sure what you mean. I have portainer for one-click installs and restarting the container if it crashes (usually bad config), syncthing syncs my config to my desktop so I can use a proper text editor on it, etc.

This is a generic Linux installation in Vagrant, lets you play around and test drive with ease.

Some add-on are not available on generic Linux, but I’m my humble opinion, some add-one might not be available for Rasberry PI as well…

It all depends on the add-on, the software used in the add-on, and the add-on maker.