What are the use cases of Xiaomi Aqara Vibration Sensor?

I have a chair that I usually turn upside-down and put on a table when the vacuum is running. I put a vibration sensor underneath the chair, and now when I flip it and put it on the table, an automation starts the vacuum.


Ahh yeah, thanks for this mate.
I was watching this video about it yesterday, seems like it’s a little too slow in updating. Did you find a way to increase the update frequency?

Also, you’re able to permanently wire it to your motorbike battery right?

Edit: Just noticed that it’s US only?
Also, trying to find something without ongoing subscription, any ideas?

You could have fun with it

SQUID GAMES in Home Assistant (Green Light, Red Light)

How did you configured that?

Hi Rani,

Is not live update ad it’s goes with a IoT Network (in this case the SigFox Europe one) and it’s update every 10-15 min. For me it’s sufficient.

There is a subscription, but it’s included for 2-3 years. I think I have it for more time and they didn’t asked for money. But for my research, I only found this device without SIM card to be a correct GPS.

For the battery, it last a lot, I think 4-6 months, but depends on the use. Charging is very fast, I think in one hour it charges it. For the motobike I normally bring the device home and then put it back, for the cars, when they are low, once I use the car I put it on charge directly on the car USB and in one trip is charged.

Hope this helps!

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The trigger I use is

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.vibration_angle_z
above: '85'
below: '95'

and then just an action that starts the vacuum.

Thanks! I’ll save this!

My use case : Mailbox not attach to my door

Timer : Create Using the helper (entity_id: timer.vibration_countdown90)
Automatisation : using state + condition

When the device detect vibration (state ON), it start my timer.


    name: Aquara Vibration Sensor
    duration: '00:01:09'
#For a sync between the "detected" status and the time


alias: Cooldown Aquara vibration sensor
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: automation.vibration_mail_box
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: timer.start
    data: {}
      entity_id: timer.timer_aquara_vibration_sensor
mode: single

Lovelace (using the UI) :

  - entity: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_vibration_aq1_9fb7a006_ias_zone
    name: Courrier Reçu
    icon: mdi:email
    state_color: true
    secondary_info: last-updated
  - entity: timer.timer_aquara_vibration_sensor
    name: Cooldown
    secondary_info: last-updated
    state_color: true


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I use it on my safe door. Not to sense vibration, but rotation. I have it on the handle that rotates to open the door. I actually like it better than a door sensor since a door sensor can be fooled with a magnet. The chances of someone getting it off the safe without rotating it or setting off the vibration is pretty minimal.


No need to. (works with Zigbee too, same frequency band).

For those of you who are using this sensor in you letterbox:

  • Is your letterbox metal, wood, plastic?
  • Do you have it on the inside or outside?
  • What is the approx distance between letterbox and nearest device?

Thanks in advance.

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I mounted the sensor under the mattress to detect when my wife is cheating on me.

Dr. Whooo


As a glass break sensor for home security… Fitting it to the glass of a window.


Interesting. I just tried to do the same thing, but it turns out on my Geberit water tank, small button also moves the lever for the big button, and I couldn’t limit the fan to just number 2. I ended up using a door/window contact sensor, and while not perfect, I have better results with it.

As for vibration sensors, I ended up using them to detect if my closet sliding doors are moving.

I did this, but finding out when window is open or just the Lüftungsstellung was not so trivial. I made a Spreadsheet with the coordinates in certain window states and somehow could determine when it’s closed or not. Made some extra sensors, too.

Edit: if anyone is interested, some templates code:

Angles as sensors:

- sensor:
  - name: Dachboden Vibration vorne Winkel
    unique_id: dachboden_vibration_front_angle
    state: >
      {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation') }}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[2] }}
  - name: Dachboden Vibration hinten rechts Winkel
    unique_id: dachboden_vibration_right_back_angle
    state: >
      {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation') }}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[2] }} 
  - name: Dachboden Vibration hinten links Winkel
    unique_id: dachboden_vibration_left_back_angle
    state: >
      {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation') }}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[2] }}

Window entities:

- binary_sensor:
  - name: Fenster Dachboden hinten links
    unique_id: rear_left_roof_window
    device_class: window
    state: >
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'unknown') %}
      {% elif (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_hinten_links_winkel', 'y') | int(0) <= -32) and (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_hinten_links_winkel', 'z') | int(0) <= -56) %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'orientation')[2] }}
      tiltangle: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hl', 'tiltangle') }}
  - name: Fenster Dachboden hinten rechts
    unique_id: rear_right_roof_window
    device_class: window
    state: >
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'unknown') %}
      {% elif (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_hinten_rechts_winkel', 'y') | int(0) <= -45) and (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_hinten_rechts_winkel', 'z') | int(0) <= -40) %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'orientation')[2] }}
      tiltangle: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_hr', 'tiltangle') }}
  - name: Fenster Dachboden vorne
    unique_id: front_roof_window
    device_class: window
    state: >
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'unknown') %}
      {% elif (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_vorne_winkel', 'y') | int(0) <= -41) and (state_attr('sensor.dachboden_vibration_vorne_winkel', 'z') | int(0) <= -46) %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      x: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[0] }} 
      y: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[1] }} 
      z: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'orientation')[2] }}
      tiltangle: >
        {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.dachboden_vibrationssensor_vorne', 'tiltangle') }}


I use the vibration sensor to detect heavy door knocking.

I had an experience where I’m sure the person ringing the bell and while heavily knocking on the door was a burglar determining whether the house was vacant. So now if heavy knocking and ringing happens when I’m not home I get an alert. Soon I will add the sound of a large barking dog.

I have heavy exterior doors with good locks, but both the top and the bottom flex enough with loud knocking to reliably trigger the sensor on medium.

For glass break I wouldn’t trust it. A room glass break sensor designed for a wired security system can be adapted to HA.

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I just got this sensor and I had some ideas of how to use it.

  1. On my desktop have two screen monitors, so by adding the sensor on the bed mattress, when I lie down the sensor is triggered. An automation checks if a movie is playing, so the second screen brightness lowers, but restores back if I move the mouse.
  2. Add it to a vehicle or an item which triggers when nobody is at home. This is useful as a cheap and reliable alarm for anything you want to keep safe.
  3. It could be added to the garbage disposal bin lid to alert if it is on a specific angle for a long time which means that it has overflown and needs a bag replacement.
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The problem that it solved home is feeding the dog. In my home there are 3 people that regularly feed the dog. The problem was that sometimes the dog would get 3 times the same meal and other times no meal et all… I put one of this sensors in my dog’s food container. It register when the dog was feed (we feed the dog 3x a day). So you can ask Alexa if the dog was already feed. By the other side, if the dog was not feed past a certain time, when there is movement on the kitchen, Alexa communicates that dog needs food.


I chucked one under my kitchen sink, when it detects vibration (like doing dishes) the automation turns the overhead lights on (also checks it’s after 7pm). Then the second automation if changes from detected to clear for 5 minutes it turns the light off. I also have a habit of tapping the sink now to turn the light on rather than using the light switch :rofl:

Other ideas I had was taping it to the water pipe under the house that goes to the shower to detect when shower is on but it’s not sensitive enough to pickup the vibration of water moving through the pipes


old Mouse trap is now smart .-)

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