@Robbrad Apologies this is slightly off topic, but noticed on your Grafana dashboard that you are tracking Hot water. Are you using the Nest to turn on and off your hot water and track it in Home Assistant. I didn’t think Nest had exposed the Hot Water control in the API, lots of people complaining about it for years.
Your Dashboard looks great, keep intending to setup InfluxDB & Grafana but never get time.
I track the temps using a NodeMCU and two surface temp sensors.
I’ll share how I did the Nest integration in another post and tag you - warning it’s not pretty. You will need Linux and php. It uses the PHP reverse engineering api https://github.com/rdiver/nest-php-api-hot-water. The issue I had was it hammered Nest and I got blocked momentarily - so I had to throttle my calls to the api.
Nice dashboard! I recently tried creating something similar but noticed that my graphs are not very pretty. It seems that HA is not reporting changes often enough for a graph to be created. Anyway you could share your dashboard so I can see what I could be doing wrong?