What did you do to your Home Assistant today!

Yea, I already do this for most computers, but I have one that needs to run 24/7 for security cameras and HA on a VM.

I meant virtual Windows desktops, the ones you open with Win+Tab. Having 7 PCs around the house would be kind of insane in most cases )

Oh, whew! LOL

I was trying to figure it out in my head last night, and about the only thing I could come up with with that you were married with 5 children and everyone had their own computer. :slight_smile:

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What type of UPS do you use? Have you configured NUT yet? That’s also on my to-do list…

Sounds like my house. 3 kids, 6 laptops (2 for remote jobs) , 4 xbox, and so on.

Yes, both in the house and RV.

What type of UPS? Was it difficult to integrate with HA?

I know you didn’t ask me but…

Cyber Power CP1500AVRLCD

Not really.

I set up the NUT server on the Linux host (running HA Container so I can install stuff directly on the host) and then setup the NUT integration in HA.

the only issue I have is that my NUT driver on the host stops and I need to restart it. I just monitor for the UPS to become unavailable and use a shell_command to restart the driver. It only takes a few seconds and I rarely ever even notice it.

I have two UPSs, one for my Blue Iris/Deepstack server, and one for my workstation. Was thinking about configuring NUT on the BI/DS box since it’s in the same UPS as HA. Have you ever configured the Windows version?

No only for Linux

I did it! Completed part 1 of my yamaha/klipsch whole home audio video! Just waiting on my thumbnail guy, then it’ll be published.

Part 2 is gonna be a huge pita, but I’ll be really glad to cross this one off the list. It’s been on there for WAY too long.

Cleaned up some more dashboard stuff I missed today, and also added some additional logic to my “low temp alarm” automation after being woken up at 0530 by every speaker and phone in my house telling me to check the furnace. Grrrrrr… Stupid contact sensors! Why do those things even report temperature? They are WILDLY inaccurate!!

Video went up on Patreon last night, thumbnail guy got back to me a little while ago. Part 1 is scheduled to be published on YT tomorrow morning.

Working on Part 2, so I turned a critical eye to my dashboard for my Home Audio page, as well as all the automations.

Rewrote all the dashboard displays to use the Mushroom media player card instead of the full-sized card, and changed the buttons to chips. Takes up much less space this way, which is nice when you have 6 channels of home audio (soon to be 8, then 9).

Also added a “party” button (chip) which automatically changes the input for all the channels to the correct value so they all play the same source, used a script for that. Also wrote a script that’s triggered by a button (chip) called “Master Off” that shuts them all off. Thought about just having a “master power” button, except that 9 times out of 10 we aren’t playing music in the entire house anyway, usually just 1 or 2 zones at a time.

Old one:

New one:

Tuned up the automations so that as soon as you turn on one of the receiver channels, it sets the volume to match what’s displayed in HA. Since my automations only push volume settings, not poll for them (since they shouldn’t be changed by anything but HA - with the exception of what I’m about to mention), there was always an issue when you first turned it on of the volume not matching what HA showed. This is because the default power on value is set to -35dB, and the HA volume slider could be anywhere. So I fixed those automations, and now whenever you power on a channel, it immediately sets the volume to the value from the input_number slider in the dashboard. Works GREAT. Coincidentally, this works REALLY well also for limiting the max volume on a channel. You just set the max value on the input slider to be the max that you want a channel to be able to go. For example, say you have speakers in your kid’s bedroom or something and you don’t want them to be able to blast them super loud? Set the max volume for that input_number slider to be half volume or something. Also works great if your receiver is more powerful than the chosen speakers for one of the channels!

- id: '16415xxxxxxxx'
  alias: Audio - Set volume deck
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    - input_number.deck_volume
  - platform: state
    - media_player.main_audio
    from: 'off'
    to: playing
  - condition: state
    entity_id: media_player.main_audio
    state: playing
  - service: shell_command.yamaha_vol
      ip: 10.x.x.x
      zone: Main_Zone
      vol: "{{ states('input_number.deck_volume') | int * 10 }}"

Copied all the code from automations, configuration, and dashboard into text files to get ready to publish with that video (I put all the code for everything on Patreon in text files to save people the trouble of having to pause & type. Very helpful for videos like this one coming up that have well over 1000 lines of yaml - I’ve got 6 text files totaling over 50KB).

Now, just the work of actually recording the PC screen to show people around, and then get the script written and film it. I’ve got 2 weeks. Probably do the screen recording tomorrow, script the day after, and film Saturday maybe.

Then I think next up on my hit list is NUT. Maybe? Haven’t decided.

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