What do I need to just make my white Sonoff RFBridge2 recognize more codes/remotes/protocols?


I hope its ok to ask here, even tho my plan is not to use HA, at least to start with.
Please direct me to a more appropriate forum if this is not welcome here :slight_smile: The thing is that I have read about solutions, and there has been a lot of great guides here, but I cant seem to really figure out what I should do.

I ordered a Sonoff RFBRidge2 with the thought that it would work with my Nexa switches/remotes instantly, but realized quickly that this is not the case. (I suspect that it is a R2 V2.2 since its a white box?)

So four questions:

  1. Have I understood it correctly that I “only” need to install the Tasmota Firmware for more codes to work? If not, what more?
  2. Could I be directed to a guide of this?
  3. Is there anyway to implement a code into this, by myself, to make the Sonoff bridge come up with new codes? My switches are programmable, and I have previously programmed a Rpi and Arduino, with a RF module, to make a “new” code so that I don’t need a remote for every switch (that setup was stolen). I think it was like
    “Start bit * Group * Device * On/Off” or similar, so it was pretty easy to make a script that created new ones, by just randomizing group or device within specific numbers.
  4. Is there, if this wont work, a (easy) way to send my own codes, somehow, and bypassing the learning of the Bridge? The reason is that I have only two remotes and I want to use more individual switches. Of course one way to go about this would just be to buy an Arduino and a 433 RF module and use that as a transmitter for programming the Sonoff, but it would be much nicer if I could skip that (All my arduinos, Oscilloscope, USBUART, RPies etc was stolen, and would be nice not to be forced to buy all new for this one project…)

Hope I made myself understood, I’m super tired and a bit annoyed that this new and promising gadget wasn’t what I thought.

Thanks in advance.