What does it mean when a configuration Variable is “inclusive”

For example, the user and password of the android_ip_webcam:

It means if you specify one of them in a group, you must specify all of them in that group. But it’s still optional in that you can specify none.

                    vol.Inclusive(CONF_USERNAME, "authentication"): cv.string,
                    vol.Inclusive(CONF_PASSWORD, "authentication"): cv.string,

The docs don’t say what the group is. Maybe because it’s only a single inclusive group…but you could have multiple. In this case, username and password are part of the same group ‘authentication’.

Ok. Was I just unlucky to be looking at a doc that did not specify the inclusive group? Is there another example where the inclusion is more specific?

I doubt it. Maybe if you find one that actually uses 2 separate group names it would be. I couldn’t find any examples. If there is only one mention of it, it would probably be safe to assume it’s the same group.