What does 'The default configuration for add-ons and Home Assistant has changed.' mean?

So why did supervisor suddenly decide to change settings?

Because it was updated silently in the background. Supervisor auto-updates.


Iā€™m away from home for a few days and am seeing this. My system is normally very stable, but seeing this for the first time, Iā€™m hesitant to do what it says when Iā€™m away. Whatā€™s the recommendation: leave things alone for now or go ahead and restart?

just submit to repair, it is okay for me. Everythingā€™s fine.

I keep getting this with letsencrypt addon from official HA repository. Itā€™s very old, but I would not have noticed it to be deprecated.

I haver restarted both the addon and HA several times, clicked the button, it always comes backā€¦

Any advice?

I keep getting it for HA itself despite several restarts.

Just wait until HA fully restarts and it will go away. I.e. no more ā€œsetting up xyz messagesā€ in the lower corner.

It hasnā€™t. I have created an issue.

Edit: now resolved spontaneously

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I received the the enclosed notification

The only option to clear it is to click submit. Did this and it reset all my YAML files back to default ie. empty! Had to do a full restore!

That wonā€™t clear your files, you most likely just need to refresh your page or wait for supervisor to catch up.

Thanks - Iā€™ve never seen it before. Iā€™ll wait a bit longer - refresh and 16+ restarts doesnā€™t do anything :wink:

Thereā€™s a good chance something else is wrong. Your files wonā€™t just be deleted. Itā€™s most likely that whatever addon youā€™re using to view the files is having problems.

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Iā€™m probably not being clear. When I press submit all the standard YAML files (configuration.yaml etc) are reset to default (as per the screen shot) - effectively empty.

The default configuration does not have empty files. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying something else is wrong. Addons just look at files, if they canā€™t see the file but you have it ā€œopenā€, it will display an empty file. If you search the forums, otherā€™s have had similar issues. But your files are still in tact in your config folder. You can verify this by looking at the files directly using the Samba Share addon and viewing the files from an external computer.

The files are still there, but have been overwritten with ā€œdefaultā€ content. I can see this using Studio Code Viewer.

That makes no sense, that button just restarted the container. Something else occurred that caused this to happen prior to you clicking that button. On startup, HA will create a config if a config doesnā€™t exist. What installation method are you running?

Iā€™m running the following on a Synology Diskstation using Virtual Machine Manager. Itā€™s been rock solid.

Home Assistant 2023.6.3
Supervisor 2023.06.4
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230608.0 - latest

What does ā€œTo update the configuration with the new defaults, a restart is required for the following:ā€ mean?

there are container defaults that are managed by the supervisor. They are 100% separate from configuration.yaml. This action does not touch your configuraiton files, it touches configuration files for the container. So something else happened PRIOR to you pressing that button that removed your configuration. Do you have a backup? If yes, just restore the core config from your backup and update again.

I have restored from a backup. I can try again, but not sure why I would see different results?

Well, you can go through the process again and see if that button is actually deleting your config. Run through the process, document each step youā€™re doing and post the results here. Right now, we have 0 information and youā€™re the only person hitting this issue.

The only oddity I see is that youā€™re running on a unfamiliar VM ware. Not sure if thatā€™s causing your issues.