What does 'The default configuration for add-ons and Home Assistant has changed.' mean?

You should work with the physical files, not with an Add-on to see them. Install the Samba Add-on and check the contents of the file(s) via an editor on your local machine (download them via the Add-on to your local machine).

  1. Restore from backup, don’t update yet.
  2. Install the Samba Add-on, check if it’s working correctly.
  3. Download (copy) the files you think are changed back to the default via the Add-on on your local machine.
  4. Run the update/repair.
  5. Check back in and re-download the files via the Samba Add-on to your machine, safe them apart from the other downloads.
  6. See if the content of the files is still the same, either by checking the files manually or use any diff program you want.
  7. Report back, what issues have come up, and how the files are, compared to each other.

The thing is, the code that is run, can’t change your config files, it is an update to some supervisor files, and they have nothing to do with the core files from HA. The supervisor files are some docker files, that even physically lie in a totally seperated environment.

Yes, that’s why it doesn’t make sense why this button deleted the configuration. Something else is going on and the missing files are the symptoms. It just so happens that the submit button brought the symptoms to the surface because a restart was invoked.

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My guess goes into the same direction, I’d speculate that something with permissions could be a point or maybe the VM admin software is messing up things. We’ll see what @SheriffOfNottingham comes up with.

PS: Just to make sure, I checked in the code, and there is nothing even remotely connected to config files from core…

Thanks, will do…

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I have restarted many times without issue. Let me follow the steps and I will report back…

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We’ll see what comes up, but the next steps will involve things like checking the configuration from Add-ons and such things, so if not necessary, it’d be nice to avoid that. :smiley: :wink:

Hi both, seems like 2nd time lucky :slight_smile: All done and the alert has cleared. Not sure what caused the original issue, but thanks for your help.


Great it’s working now! :+1:

I haven’t had a non working HA in a very long time (keep fingers crossed), but I really missed my home automation, when I was on my last business trip. I forgot to switch out the lights (as they normally do that by themselves) and woke up at 3 in the morning to realize, I have to push a button. Nope, not my cup of tea anymore. :rofl:

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