The about only says" This add-on combines the power of Hivemq’s web-based MQTT client, and the powerful Mosquitto broker (MQTT Server). With this, you can host your own MQTT server, and inspect/publish messages using the built-in web client!"
Is this some kind of remote control?
Could I run it on my nas to access my on my pi3?
It is a communication protocol that uses ethernet to connect devices together. Devices (clients) publish and/or subscribe to topics which are directed to the correct destinations by the server (broker). the devices can use those topics in any way they see fit. they can be used to trigger actions or display data or any other number of things.
go to the link in your post to hivemq for additional information.
Yes https with letsencrypt, but ATM i am testing it only, i haven’t decided yet if I will use owntracks, or geofency. Gave up with the HA iOS app.
The latest HA has owntracks as an integration, so just basically creates the webhook in the webui, copy to owntracks, set up user and password and that’s it.
If you use self signed cert you might need to install the cert in your phone.
edit: the owntrack http integration was added on latest 0.83 so maybe check your version
Where are you configuring your username/pw-on the phone? Yes I have that. But on the hassio side it just installs and doesn’t let you configure anything.
If you haven’t set it up, just clear it from configuration.yaml and set it up from scratch in the integrations section. This will pop a one time only card that will display the webhook for http updates.
The username password is in the owntracks app “i”->“Settings” (userID:password same as for home assistant) and the webhook URL of course