What features would you like in an analog RBG controller

Hello. I’m using home assistant for a couple of years now but this is my first post on this forum. One of my first hardware projects was an RBG controller for analog led strips under my bed. I have lots of these cobbled together projects and i’m replacing them one by one with more durable sollutions. Therefor I created my own light controller to use in a couple of places. I’m wanted to create a very verisatile controlle so that I can use it in many different occasions. I’m looking for ideas to put in the next itteration. The current version is based on an esp32 and has:

  • wifi
  • bluetooth
  • compatible with esphome
  • 5 channels for the lights
  • dimmable status lights for the channel so you can see what channels are supposed to be on but you can dim or turn of the status light off so they aren’t visible under a desk or something like that
  • bmp280 temperature, humidity and barometric sensor
  • general purpuse two pin header for connecting relay or other component. You can choose between 12 or 3.3 volt with a solder jumper
  • a simple light sensor
  • reverse polarity protection

Old controller:

New controller:

Cool controller. I have a few ideas how to extend this, but in principle you already checked all the boxes ;-).

  • WLED effect support: WLED offers a ton of effects a lot of which do not make sense in a “dumb” stripe, but some are cool even with those stripes
  • beefier mosfets/connectors/copper PCB connections for more current
  • a microphone (and amp) for music effects
  • mounting holes
  • a beefy connector and mountig holes for the “general purpuse two pin header for connecting relay or other component. You can choose between 12 or 3.3 volt with a solder jumper”
  • Maybe tht mosfets, so that you could epoxy the whole thing to be perfectly waterproof and still have the metal cooling surfaces to bolt to something … so you can have underwater lights

Just some thoughts, this is very nice as it already is!

Thank you !

  • I’m looking into WLED. I knew it for adressable leds but didn’t really see the benefit for dumb led strips. I’ll take a look at it.
  • I calculated the controller for 5 amp per channel with a max overall amperage of 8 with a decent safety margin.
  • yes, I do need mounting holes. I’m already punching myself for not including them in this version :).
  • I didn’t consider a microphone. But it might be a neat addition.

I really appreciate the ideas.