Ok it looks like the feature to rename was removed a few versions back and now you can only change the display name.
But for future switches that I will be adding (this weekend), is the a way to give it a simpler name that can be used in the automatons file when I am adding the switch to my network?
I just checked a couple of my zwave switches. You most certainly can change the entity id by clicking on the switch in the front end then the settings cog icon. (running HA 0.83.3)
Make sure your new name does not change the domain (must start with switch.) and only includes lower case alphanumeric characters and the underscore ‘_’
Edit: other places to check after name change (other than automation): groups, scripts and customization.
and make sure you don’t use any capital letters in the entity_id when you change it. If you do it will break it and you will have to edit the file manually.
Thanks…I almost did that with living room. I also did living room as living_room to be on the safe side.
I have 2 wall outlets coming today. They are zwave plus devices and support encryption .
Will I have any issues mixing plus with non-pluse devices. My wall switches are Zwave from 2014 and they are non plus models. I may upgrade them eventually if only to get polling.
Also is there any benefit to run the wall outlets in secure mode? I thought that was more for door locks.
All the renaming worked out last night. I had to get up early today and sure enough my garage light turned off right at sunrise. So happy about that…may try groups as I get more switches. …
Probably, in reality, no, but it’s always best to run everything in your network and home automation devices as securely as possible. Especially if there is no downside as in this case.
Make sure the second one is powered on (connected to mains voltage but not necessarily turned on) and try including it again. Then see if it shows up as dead. if it does then go to the z wave control panel page and do a heal network, then a test network and if neither of those work then restart HA and let your system re-initialize. Maybe it will just take a bit to reconnect. It shouldn’t but weird things happen that shouldn’t all the time.
Well I did it again and rebooted. After rebooting it was gone and I tried again. This time it went in …didn’t work at first but now it is.
But now first one acting funny and won’t let me turn it off, Restarting again