What gets exposed when using homekit to intergrate with MyQ garage door openers?

I have two old 1980’s garage door openers that I automated with a couple of shelly relays and contact sensors that can only tell me when the door is 100% closed, or not. It can’t tell me when it’s moving or whatnot.

We’re doing a reno and replacing the doors and door openers and have the chance to get new openers that can operate during a power outage.

I don’t want to use the cloud integration, read way to many horror stories about the cloud API just… changing. So I then saw that the Homebridge could allow me local control, and then I would also be able to block the door openers from internet access. Cool

But what gets exposed to homeassistant if I go this route? For example, the 87504-267 it has a camera, battery and ability to lock a deadbolt. Would that be exposed somehow?

I can’t seem to find anyone talking about what gets exposed other then this post