What happen to the Media Player Text to speech and volume control?

I suddenly noticed that the Text to speech text control, the send text button, and the volume control have disappeared from any media player in my Hass.io.
I had the TTS functionality in my Google Home medial player.
I recently installed the Alexa Media player, and I heard that it did not had the TTS function on the interface.

I have Hass.io 0.92.2

Is this caused by the upgrades, so I did not noticed that also Google Home media player lost this functionality ?

Or, may be that is caused by two additional custom_control media_player.py I have ?

  • Alexa_Media
  • Braviatv_psk

Any idea ?

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I’m running 0.92.2 and still have those controls for media players that support them.

Are you using DuckDNS perhaps?

My TTS functionality had stopped working yesterday, before I upgraded to 93.0. It seems that my duckdns link has stopped working. I can’t reach my Home Assistant through the usual https://xxxxxxx.duckdns.org. Still not sure why. I switched to the nabu casa link in the Home Assistant Remote Control section, and that got it working.

Ditto. So frustrating to have things configured and loose it in a HA update. :frowning: