What happened to my system?

Home Assistant (HA) runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 and has been running just fine for several years. My system is ridiculously simple - two lights! Both are set up for automation and things have been working fine, until two days ago. I have not logged into HA or done anything related to HA or my network in weeks, so I am confused.

Looking at the log files, on 1 Sep, this was the log:
11:32 PM : Library turned off
11:20 PM : Library light off has been triggered
11:00 PM : Kitchen turned off
11:00 PM : Kitchen light off has been triggered
8:09 PM : Sun has set
8:09 PM : Library turned on
8:09 PM : Library light on has been triggered
7:39 PM : Kitchen turned on
7:39 PM : Kitchen light on has been triggered
6:59 AM : Sun has risen

Looks mostly correct (other than the 12 minute delay between the library light off trigger and the light’s being turned off)! However, yesterday the log looked like this:
11:20 PM : Library light off has been triggered
11:00 PM : Kitchen light off has been triggered
8:07 PM : Sun has set
8:07 PM : Library light on has been triggered
7:37 PM : Kitchen light on has been triggered
7:00 AM : Sun has risen

Basically, neither light turned on. Even worse, when I tried to turn them on manually (using the Android app), nothing happened. Today, the situation is the similar to yesterday’s. It shows both triggers, then after delays of 12 minutes and 65 minutes, the lights came on. I tried using the web app to turn a light off (just to see if it works). However, the app showed both lights as being off, even though they are both on. When I tried toggling the light from the Android app, nothing happened.

I rebooted the Raspberry Pi, but that did not change anything. From my computer, using the web app, it shows both lights as being off, even though they are both on. From the web app, I clicked the icon to turn on a light - the graphical switch flipped to on and a few seconds later flipped to off.

So, my questions are: What the heck is going on? and much more importantly: What can I do to make the system work properly again?

Start by looking at your error logs.

Stupid question: How?

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Also, what kind of hardware controls the lights?

Will need to look into the hardware, but…
I found the log file and there are two messages (each repeated many times)

  • WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor.yr] Retrying in 15 minutes: [weatherap website] returned 404 - I suspect that a) this is just a nuisance and b) should be easily fixed

  • [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT (1). Trying to reconnect in 1 s - this could be the cause of the problem! My MQTT broker is: