What hardware to use for ESPhome devices

I see interesting projects that build on HA and ESPhome but then I ask myself where I could find a description of the hardware that is required. Example:

There is no description of specific hardware, simply because there are so many possibilities…

Depending on what you are looking for, you need to take a look at Google and all the usual sites, where you can find tutorials, like instructables.com. The ESPHome home page is another good startng point. Look what sensors there are, and check via Google what they do and what they’re for.

If you want to develop a specific project, just look around, if someone else has done something like it, and check what hardware is used. From there you can search for this hardware and look around what sellers offer you.

Depending on where you live, there are always some shops, that are specialized in the “maker field”, look around in these shops, and see what they offer. Afterwards you can check, if ESPHome does support that specific sensor/hardware.

Start with esp32 d1 mini

I agree with @sender, d1 mini is a great place to start. I followed some YouTube videos and went for these for lots of mini projects - some more successful than others!

ESP32 Cam is a fun project too (needs ESP32 cam board), I would suggest you buy exactly the same model as whatever guide you are following. That caught me out initially.

I really like the hardware offered by M5stack. It is more expensive but comes with nice housing and is rather plug and play (no soldering required). The perfect fit for ESPHome.

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It really helps to understand the whole esphome ecosystem to follow the howtos and examples here DIY Examples — ESPHome and here ESPHome — ESPHome