What humidity&temp sensor with long wires?

Is there any sensor that can use longer wires (3-5m) and works with Esp32?
Sensor for humidity and temperature, nkt only for temperature.

Any supported SPI sensor should be good for up to 10m.

I2C is good for 1m, it can do more if you drop the speed to 10kHz and correctly select external pullup resistors to your cable and load capacitance.

According to this datasheet, a DHT22 can transmit up to 100 meters. Though, I’d recommend powering it locally.

I have bad experience with dht22 sensors so wouldn’t use them. Rather will go with some SPI sensor

There are also i2c extenders, I use this at about 8 meters.

Not without some error rejection. I used to have ~30m Cat5 runs to DHT22s. They would generate spikes to zero every hour or two.

I switched to using ESP boards right where the DHT was situated (10cm leads at most), never saw an error again.

And yes I was using the 4K7 pullup resistor.

Would like to use it but could find it on Aliexpress :frowning_face:

Well adafruit boards are manufactured in NYC that’s why. There are the sparkfun version, you’ll need 2 of those, one on each end

Well, seems that another Esp board is cheapest and easiest solution :smiley_cat:
Can’t find any SPI sensor in Esphome page and that bus will require more wires to use :crazy_face: