What is best combination of Zigbee, Z-wave, BT and wifi


I am newbie here and just planning to move from PI3 based Tellstick DUO (433Mhz) to using Home Assistant. So now I have only that 433 Mhz Tellstick duo which at least I think that I can easily integrate to use Home Assistant, but maybe somebody can help me to select best combination of those other techniques.

Should I buy different USB sticks for zigbee and z-wave and how about BT and wifi? There is Smartthings, Vera, Cozify and etc where is support for multiple techniques, but I am little bit confused what is best combination and where I get best support for all devices?

I think also that with Z-Wave I have to choose EUR version of Z-Wave, right?

Maybe there is already lot of this kind of question already, so you point those ones.


If you live in Europe, you have to buy separate Z-wave and Zigbee sticks. The only combo Z-wave/Zigbee stick on the market only works with US Z-Wave frequency.

WiFi you should have, and for BT you can use the BT on the Pi, or an ESP32.

Okay thanks francisp, so can you or somebody then recommend which Zigbee and Z-wave sticks I should buy? How about for example this “VERA Plus” what for my understanding includes Z-Wave (eu) and Zigbee this not good with Home Asssistant?

I read that aeotec z-stick gen5 not working well with Raspberry PI4, but is it very good otherwise and maybe conbee2 for zigbee?

I consider use my QNAP TS-253BE with docker based installation of Home Assistant, so it that better option than raspi PI4? I have few SD-card corruption with raspberry past years what is possible when there is file based database used (SQLite).

you can check this very informative youtube

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I don’t use Z-wave myself, but many here use the aeotec z-stick gen5. For Zigbee either the conbee or a
CC2652 based stick (ZZH or slaesh)

For my Pi’s, I use old-fashioned 2.5 HDD’s :slight_smile:

Oh, I would not buy a CC2531 anymore

And if you can flash, the Sonoff ZbBridge is a good Zigbee coordinator too.

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It would be wise to use zigbee for battery powered sensors and devices… it’s the least power consuming protocol.

EDIT: I’ve been using conbee II + ZHA and it’s worked wonders

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Many thanks to all about tips and very good video. So I choose these zzh! CC2652R and Z-Wave.Me USB Stick - Z-Wave Plus. I read that there is some problems with Aeotec Z-Stick and Raspberry Pi4, so that’s why I choose Z-Wave.me. I hope that is also good choice any opinion about that?

Hmm, not sure how it compares with BLE, do you have some insights regarding this assumption?

Yep, you’re right, BLE consumes less, my mistake. From the other three protocols zigbee would get the upper hand. If you don’t mind range issues, fill your house with BLE devices and think on how to extend its range unless you live in a 300 square feet house