What is self.set_log_level supposed to do?`

I’m setting:
self.set_log_level = "WARNING"

in my app, but I’m still seeing INFO logging in my appdaemon.log. I don’t understand what this is supposed to do. I just want to shutoff all the info logging unless I want to turn it back on with a quick switch. How would I do that?

Oh alright. I guess I had a misconception about what this does. I though it set the default logging level for every self.log() statement in the app. Can I do that some other way?

You can set log level at the app level like this.

  module: hello
  class: HelloWorld
  log_level: WARNING

If you want to override that app level setting then you can set the level inside your function for all the log events.

        self.log("Hello from AppDaemon 2020")