What is: Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wsdiscovery/daemon.py:45

Since a while I do recieve a lot of these warnings in my HA log.
I don’t know where they come from and what to do against it.
It also says:

Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wsdiscovery/daemon.py:45 
not find handler for: _handle_probe

It appears 100ths times.

Any ideas?

This by the look of it https://github.com/andreikop/python-ws-discovery

Thanks. I still do not understand what it exactly is doing.
Beside I don’t know how to stop the warnings

I wouldn’t be sure whether to post an issue with home assistant or with python-ws-discovery. Perhaps both?

Thanks again.
I discovered dat WS has to do with network camera’s. (I didnt know that)
I did install 3 new ip camera’s as Onvif devices last days
So I quess it has to do with that.
But I still do not understand why and how to stop.
The camera’s itself looks like working fine

Post an issue then, like I suggested.

Yes I will do

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